




I am trying to but a box around my title in proc report using SAS 9.1. So far, I can only seem to get it around the first title, but not the second. I am currently using a template, but it doesn't seem to format the second title.

I know that formatting is easier in SAS/GrAPH, but I need to do this in proc report.

Any suggestions? Tips?

Below is a sample of the code: options

nodate; ods

noptitle; ods

pdf startpage=never; ods

pdf file='c:\PC_SAS\Test Page 3 1.29.10.pdf' style=CustPge notoc; title

"Who's taking money out of your pocket? ^n Competitive Retail Store Spending(Top 5 locations)"; proc

report data=projects.comp_ret_store_spend_top_5 nowd; where

dealer_number='0018'; column

description cnt amt; define

description/ display format=$80.; define

amt/ display format=dollar6.; label

description = "Competitor Name" Cnt =

"Transactions" AMT =

"Amount" ; run

; proc

report data=projects.top_5_non_motorcycle_cat nowd; where

dlr_no='0018'; column

sic_class cnt amt; define

sic_class/ display format=$80.; define

amt/ display format=dollar10.; label

sic_class = "Category" Cnt =

"Transactions" AMT =

"Amount" ; run

; ods

pdf close;