I have a 320x416 portrait-shaped UIWebView filling a UIViewController's view. I also have a 90 degree rotate button that will transform the UIWebView through 90 degrees each time the button is touched. The code is basically:
webView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(touches%4 * M_PI/2.0);
After rotation through 90 degrees, the now-landscape transformed UIWebView extends beyond both the left and right edges of the screen. In the process of applying the transformation, iPhone OS has changed the UIWebView's frame from {{0,0}, {320,416}} to {{-48,48}, {416,320}}. Don't have a problem with that.
I then tweak the UIWebView's frame origin to (0,0) so that it starts top-left, but extends a little further beyond the right edge of the screen. Now, I can touch the UIWebView and pull it left to view the hidden information on the right but I cannot get the right-hand end to to stay on the screen -- the moment I untouch it, the right side bounces back off the screen.
What is it that causes the view to bounce back off-screen? In other words, what is it that I need to tweak to allow either the left edge or the right edge to stick on the screen and remain visible (only one at a time, obviously)?