




A colleague has a stash in their repository which I can access (via the filesystem), and I'd like to pull that stash into a branch in my repository.

% git ls-remote ~alice/work/repo/ stash
3ccc82fb1ee0e7bde1250c7926d333ce21c109c0        refs/stash

But when I try to fetch that, git tells me "unable to find 3cc82..."

% git fetch ~alice/work/repo stash:new_branch
remote: Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
error: unable to find 3ccc82fb1ee0e7bde1250c7926d333ce21c109c0
fatal: object 3ccc82fb1ee0e7bde1250c7926d333ce21c109c0 not found

Is there a way I can fetch the remote stash?

+2  A: 

You can't but this provides you an alternate path. is-it-possible-to-push-a-git-stash-to-a-remote-repository

Hi naven87. I did see that other SO question but it didn't suit what I needed. Thanks for your answer, and I will accept it after a while if no-one else posts a more direct solution.
Matt Curtis
OK, accepted. Thanks naven87.
Matt Curtis