Boost.Serialization is probably the best option for doing this in C++. If you want to save binary data you need to create a boost::archive::binary_oarchive
and associate it to your file:
std::ofstream ofs("my_file.dat");
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oarch(ofs);
Any class you want to serialize must have a member function serialize
with a special signature that the library can understand. For example:
class Foo
int i;
Baz baz;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive &ar, unsigned int version) {
ar & i;
ar & baz; // Baz must be serializable
Note that there's built-in support for versioning but that's a more advanced topic.
Saving objects of your class to the binary archive is then very easy:
Foo foo;
oarch << foo; // Serializes "foo"
The cool thing about Boost.Serialization is that same member function is used to deserialize the object. The only difference is that now you use an input archive:
std::ifstream ifs("my_file.dat");
boost::archive::binary_iarchive iarch(ofs);
Foo foo;
iarch >> foo; // Deserializes "foo"
As for the encryption part, the Botan library seems to be pretty mature an its C++ unlike OpenSSL that it's C and so a bit painful to use.
This is how I think you can do serialization + encryption under the same workflow (deserialization would be analogous):
You associate your archive to an in-memory string instead of to a file:
std::ostringstream oss;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oarch(oss);
Everything you write to the archive will be stored in the string.
You serialize your objects like you did before:
Foo foo;
oarch << foo; // Serializes "foo" (data goes to the string)
You use the Botan library to encript your string. Don't take this too literally but it should be something like:
a) create a Botan memory data source associated to your string (the oss
b) create a Botan data sink associated to the file where you want to write ("myfile.dat").
c) create an encoder that suits your needs
d) call the encode function as in encode(source, sink);
EDIT: Changed crypto recommendantion from OpenSSL to Botan.