



Hi, I use sphinx python documentation generator. Creating pdf documents are very easy and simple but.... i have one problem.

All generated pdf documents have english words like "chapter", "release", "part". Is it possible change it? How set another words or remove it?

+4  A: 

Sphinx generates LaTeX files, and then uses LaTeX to generate the PDF. So yes, you can, but it typically involves learning LaTeX and changing the LaTeX macros. I did a quick search and couldn't find any place where the "Chapter" was defined, so it's probably defined in the Bjarne chapter heading style (which is the default), which means you need to find that definition and see of you can override it, or make a new definition.

LaTeX is big, so take a deep breath. But it's definitely possible. :)

Lennart Regebro
Thank you for answer and your research. I think it is good moment for me to learn LaTeX:).
It is also possible to generate PDFs with rst2pdf.