is it possible to have multiple threads sending on the same socket? will there be interleaving of the streams or will the socket block on the first thread (assuming tcp)? the majority of opinions i've found seems to warn against doing this for obvious fears of interleaving, but i've also found a few comments that state the opposite. are interleaving fears a carryover from winsock1 and are they well-founded for winsock2? is there a way to setup a winsock2 socket that would allow for lack of local synchronization?
two of the contrary opinions below... who's right?
comment 1
"Winsock 2 implementations should be completely thread safe. Simultaneous reads / writes on different threads should succeed, or fail with WSAEINPROGRESS, depending on the setting of the overlapped flag when the socket is created. Anyway by default, overlapped sockets are created; so you don't have to worry about it. Make sure you don't use NT SP6, if ur on SP6a, you should be ok !"
comment 2
"The same DLL doesn't get accessed by multiple processes as of the introduction of Windows 95. Each process gets its own copy of the writable data segment for the DLL. The "all processes share" model was the old Win16 model, which is luckily quite dead and buried by now ;-)"
looking forward to your comments! jim
~edit1~ to clarify what i mean by interleaving. thread 1 sends the msg "Hello" thread 2 sends the msg "world!". recipient receives: "Hwoel lorld!". this assumes both messages were NOT sent in a while loop. is this possible?