



I googled some information about web services, it seems like a enterprise level application. I found that RESTful design is very cool idea on this. I find that Apache CXF looks cool, it support RESTful design and Java. It is a good choice for beginner to start writing an application using Apache CXF? or any other framework is suggested?

+1  A: 

The much simpler implementation for a beginner would be spring 3.0 REST support. Spring MVC 3.0 has REST support and is very much simpler compared to Apache CXF.

Teja Kantamneni
@spa Web services with Roo?
Pascal Thivent
Wow... better read the question next time... missed the word web service. Thought about a RESTful architecture style.
@spa Can you please elaborate on what you are saying or a resource which explains better about them?
Teja Kantamneni
@Teja I think @spa was answering my comment, this is not a direct comment to your answer.
Pascal Thivent
+1  A: 

Restlet in another RESTful web framework for Java :

It seems not so famous like the Apache CXF and Spring, is there any special features in Restlet?
Ted Wong
You can have a list of the features provided by Restlet : CXF and Spring MVC are very good projects. But, unlike Restlet, they are not focused on REST applications.
+6  A: 

I'd go for Jersey, the RI of JAX-RS (JSR 311), the Java API for RESTful Web Services (i.e. a standard).

Pascal Thivent
+2  A: 

Hi Ted,

I recommend to use JAX-RS because IMHO it is the most neutral framework in terms of telling you how REST should be done. I have not used CXF, only Jersey. It is a very solid implementation and comes with a good client side connector, too (client side not part of JAX-RS yet).

Being neutral with regard to 'how to do REST' is important because there is not yet an acknowledged 'best' way to approach certain aspects (e.g. design of hypermedia).

Congrats to going the REST way - you won't regret it.


Jan Algermissen
+1  A: 

I get started REST with RESTEasy and get it up in 30 minutes. You can use it as stand-alone lib in your favorite servlet container without all this JBoss stuff.
