Greg is not entirely correct. You can use system, but it's a really bad idea. You can use system by writing the output of the command to a temporary file and then reading the file...but popen() is a much better approach. For example:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
die( char *msg ) {
perror( msg );
main( void )
size_t len;
FILE *f;
int c;
char *buf;
char *cmd = "echo foo";
char *path = "/tmp/output"; /* Should really use mkstemp() */
len = (size_t) snprintf( buf, 0, "%s > %s", cmd, path ) + 1;
buf = malloc( len );
if( buf == NULL ) die( "malloc");
snprintf( buf, len, "%s > %s", cmd, path );
if( system( buf )) die( buf );
f = fopen( path, "r" );
if( f == NULL ) die( path );
printf( "output of command: %s\n", buf );
while(( c = getc( f )) != EOF )
fputc( c, stdout );
There are lots of problems with this approach...(portability of the syntax for redirection, leaving the file on the filesystem, security issues with other processes reading the temporary file, etc, etc.)