Has anyone been able to get sitemesh and gaelyk working together? This seems to be possible as mentioned here http://blogs.bytecode.com.au/glen/2009/12/14/getting-sitemesh-running-on-google-app-engine.html. However I unable to get this working with a gaelyk template. I keep getting this error
"javax.servlet.ServletException: Creation of template failed: groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: Failed to parse template script (your template may contain an error or be trying to use expressions not currently supported): startup failed: SimpleTemplateScript3.groovy: 2: expecting EOF, found 'prefix' @ line 2, column 77.
phony.com/sitemesh/decorator" prefix="de"
The decorator, main.gtpl, looks like:
<%@ taglib uri="http://www.opensymphony.com/sitemesh/decorator" prefix="decorator" %>
If I rename the above to jsp, it works fine. Either taglibs do not work with gaelyk or I've got the syntax wrong.
Can someone point me in the right direction?