



When I use boost::bind with a method name which is declared both const and non-const I am getting in ambiguous error, for example

boost::bind( &boost::optional<T>::get, _1 )

How can I solve this problem?

+3  A: 

The problem together with workarounds is descibed in FAQ part of Boost.Bind reference.

You could also make use of utility functions like the following:

#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>

template <class Ret, class Obj>
Ret (Obj::* const_getter(Ret (Obj::*p) () const)) () const
    return p;

template <class Ret, class Obj>
Ret (Obj::* nonconst_getter(Ret (Obj::*p)())) ()
    return p;

int main()
    boost::bind( const_getter(&boost::optional<int>::get), _1 );
    boost::bind( nonconst_getter(&boost::optional<int>::get), _1 );
Thank your for both suggestions. I prefer the cast workaround in the Boost.Bind FAQ and used this now in my source code.
Rupert Jones