i have search high and low on the internet and it does not exist. i cant find a single website that shows a few applications created with realbasic. i saw a video that shows the user going to realbasic.com/community/ and it shows a load of applications created using realbasic. would anyone know where i can find this information. that link that i gave doesnt even work by them.
The Made with REALbasic section at the Association of REALbasic Developers contains a list of many applications created with REALbasic:
(Disclaimer: I am a board member of ARBP)
My site, RBDevZone, also has a community section:
Paul Lefebvre
2010-02-15 16:18:20
There is also a fairly lengthy thread on the REALbasic Forums. Direct link: http://forums.realsoftware.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=25866
BKeeney Software
2010-02-25 18:19:49