i have a class MyJabber which init a basic jabber account that print the incoming messages to stdout + put them into a queue.
The code that add the client to the reactor is this:
def addReactor(self):
print 'inside AddReactor'
factory = client.basicClientFactory(self.jid, self.option['jabber']['password'])
print "factory initialized"
factory.addBootstrap(xmlstream.STREAM_AUTHD_EVENT, self.authd)
print 'factory bootsraped'
reactor.connectTCP(self.option['jabber']['server'], 5222, factory)
it's called in this way:
jabber = MyJabber(options, to_irc)
When i launch the app i see the 'print' of addReactor but after that nothing anymore. i see via 'tcpdump' that something is trying to connect to 'jabber.org' but nothing related to the authd def:
def authd(self, xmlstream):
global thexmlstream
thexmlstream = xmlstream
# need to send presence so clients know we're
# actually online.
print 'Initializing...'
presence = domish.Element(('jabber:client', 'presence'))
# add a callback for the messages
print 'Add gotMessaged callback'
xmlstream.addObserver('/message', gotMessage)
print 'Add * callback'
xmlstream.addObserver('/*', gotSomething)