
Problem running twisted.words example using msn protocol

I am currently trying to use the Twisted library specifically twisted words to try and interat with MSN. However when i run the sample script provided by twisted , i get an error. Specifically the error is found here . The script can be found over here

In Twisted Python - Make sure a protocol instance would be completely deallocated

Hey, I have a pretty intensive chat socket server written in Twisted Python, I start it using internet.TCPServer with a factory and that factory references to a protocol object that handles all communications with the client. How should I make sure a protocol instance completely destroys itself once a client has disconnected? I've got...

How to create twisted.words.xish.domish.Element entirely from raw XML

I was surprised that XML basic object (twisted.words.xish.domish.Element) could not be created entirely from XML string. The most alike way is: msg = "<iq to='[email protected]' id='id123' type='get'> \ <query xmlns='' mid='123456'/> \ </iq>" iq = domish.Element(('','')) iq.addRawXml(msg) ...

How to init twisted reactor in the right way?

hi, i have a class MyJabber which init a basic jabber account that print the incoming messages to stdout + put them into a queue. The code that add the client to the reactor is this: def addReactor(self): print 'inside AddReactor' factory = client.basicClientFactory(self.jid, self.option['jabber']['password']) print "factory initiali...

Twisted connectionLost Event

Hey there, I use the twisted.words.protocols.jabber.client.XMPPClientFactory . Do you know how I can callback a function when the connection gets lost (for example WiFi-connection is down)? thank you for your help! ...