We have CruiseControl for deployment from dev to qa server. It also runs a batch script that we made that creates directories and sets permissions. Problem is that it won't set the permissions and we think it is because it is trying to do it across a network share, but we can't figure out how to get it to be able to change the permissions this way.
CACLS \\xxx.xx.xxx.78\panama\Applications /e /t /c /p SANTIAGO-QA\IIS_WPG:F > nul
CACLS \\xxx.xx.xxx.78\panama\logs /e /p SANTIAGO-QA\IIS_WPG:F > nul
CACLS \\xxx.xx.xxx.78\panama\weborb.config /e /p SANTIAGO-QA\IIS_WPG:F > nul
CACLS \\xxx.xx.xxx.78\panama\temp_imports /e /p SANTIAGO-QA\IIS_WPG:F > nul
Is there some better way to set permissions to folders on a different server from one server? Or can anyone tell me a solution to make this method work?