




This is, I assume, codepage related, but doesn't hurt asking.

How would one, on windows xp's cmd, gvim 7.2 change vertsplit character, so that instead of default | it is │ (so that it makes a full, and not an splitted line) ?

That character is usually changed with

set fillchars=vert:\|

and I can copy paste the ascii graphics line there, but it comes out as garbage. I suppose I would have to change vim's internal codepage for it to show correctly ?

Anyone knows how to do this ?


I've tried the following :

set enc=utf-8
set fillchars=vert:\│

And it worked, but the result weren't has good as you can hope, it's still not a full line (using the Consolas font, if you get a straight line with another font, I'd be interested to know which one).

Raoul Supercopter
Well, so far I've only gotten a straight line in cmd, meaning I can get it using "raster fonts" and "lucida console". But I'm sure other fonts have those characters, it's just that I cannot get the codepage to display them. B
Also, when you said you got a not-full-line. Are you sure you're using the box character and not the vertical line ?
Yep, I've seen an improvement, but it's still not connected.
Raoul Supercopter
In an attempt to solve this ... if I understood correctly "set encoding" takes care of vim's internal encoding. But although I can change it, I cannot find a codepage which syncs so it fits with what cmd uses (and I don't know what cmd uses :(
I should have mentioned that I'm using gvim, vim inside cmd is too clunky for me.
Raoul Supercopter
same here, gvim7.2. (wrong tag rectified)

This isn't exactly what you want, but I've set fillchars= and just use highliting to hilight the blank space a different color. It's less elegant, but it looks fine to me.

edit: filchars->fillchars, thanks.

Randy Morris