I am using VIM in Windows. The problem is that I want to use Ctrl-V as a visual mode. However, this key has conflict with Windows paste. How can I reset this key back to VIM visual mode instead of pasting. I prefer to set this in my _vimrc configuration file. Thanks for any help!
I'm not sure there is a lot you can do about that. You can use Ctrl-Q instead though.
From the VIM documentation:
Since CTRL-V is used to paste, you can't use it to start a blockwise Visual selection. You can use CTRL-Q instead. You can also use CTRL-Q in Insert mode and Command-line mode to get the old meaning of CTRL-V. But CTRL-Q doesn't work for terminals when it's used for control flow.
If this line in your _vimrc troubles you:
behave mswin
then delete that line.
Check your _vimrc file and see if it sources mswin.vim. That script maps the ^v to the paste. You can either remove that line on your _vimrc file or disable the mapping commands directly on mswin.vim.
Do a :help behave on vim for more info.
The combination of jop's advice (looking for mswin.vim in the default _vimrc file) and "Windows programmer's" advice (getting rid of the "behave mswin" line) worked like a charm for me.
(my rep is too low to vote them up or combine them -- someone clean this up for me, or I'll come back once my rep is higher)