I believe what you are looking for is: svcutil.exe /r your-dtos.dll
/reference: -
Reference types in the specified
assembly. When generating clients, use
this option to specify assemblies that
might contain types representing the
metadata being imported. (Short:
In my opinion the tight coupling of the WCF proxy, endpoint channel, service operations and dto payloads into the same generated client proxy is a major design flaw.
This is what spurred me to solve in my open web services framework where I decouple the end point and payload which allows:
- The same web service client (i.e. Soap11, Soap12, XML, JSON) to be able to call any web service.
- It lets me also use the same DataContract dto instance in any of the web service clients
- This has many benefits including being able to expose the same web service on a number of different end points without any extra configuration. Thus providing optimized web service endpoints for each consumer of my service. E.g.
- XML for interoperability and strongly-type clients,
- JSON for Ajax clients,
- WSDL's for environments that prefer generated code (i.e. Flex Builder, VS.NET 'Add Service Reference' etc)
At my company we have developed hundreds of web services called by a number of different clients i.e. Ajax, Flash/ActionScript, C++, Silverlight, ASP.NET and being able to call the same web service through different endpoints has saved us countless hours.