
Visual Studio's wsdl.exe can't find some info in my schema. Not sure if this is an error.

When I use wsdl.exe to create a client from my wsdl, it finishes O.K., but inserts the following comment in the file: // CODEGEN: Parameter 'VerificationData' requires additional schema information that cannot be captured using the parameter mode. The specific attribute is 'System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttribute'. I can't figu...

.Net WSDL command line utility error

I'm pointing the .Net command line WSDL utility that ships with Visual Studio 2005 at a web service implemented in Java (which I have no control over) and it spits out the following error: WSDL : error WSDL1: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Xml.XmlElement' to type 'System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescriptionFormatExtension...

wsdl.exe /sharetypes

I'm working with multiple third party webservices (from the same vendor) that appear to be using the same object structure server side. One of the services allows me to query a list of users by role, and another allows me to query a single user by ID. In order to get this to work the best way possible, the users returned from both serv...

C# web-service client: multiple web-service methods with same (complex) return type?

Hi there, I am chipping away at building a client for a Java B2B web-service at the moment and I think I have identified the cause of a problem we have been having for quite some time. Unfortunately I'm unable to post the WSDL. Apparently my auto-generated proxy code (via wsdl.exe: have to use WSE 3.0 due to WCF not supporting password...

Extending svcutil.exe and wsdl.exe with custom methods

I really need to add some of my own convenience methods into the auto-generated proxy files that are output by wsdl.exe and svcutil.exe. What I am doing is adding another type of OperationAsync method for each service method. I would like to be able to invoke a tool from a command line like this: superwsdl.exe [wsdl command-line argum...

Newbie C# and webservices question

Hi, I am new to C# (2 days) and am trying to consume webservices. I have successfully compiled a sample script to access and consume the webservice. Tested it via a console app and it worked fine. I used wsdl.exe to compile and generate the proxy.cs file, then generated the exe with csc.exe. Now I want to be able to call the script with...

Using dashed webservice methods names in .net

Im trying to use a cgi web service. The Web Service method names contains dashes and wsdl.exe removes them in generated proxy class. Trying to use the proxy class web service im getting an error : "Method 'q1:methodname' not implemented: method name or namespace not recognized" Then I've tried to change MedhodName parameters (with ori...

How to generate web service proxy code with wsdl.exe that is serializable

I am using wsdl.exe to auto generate the web service proxy code from a huge wsdl file. I then take the .cs file it generates compile it to a dll and use it in my program to make web service calls. The problem is that when using sql session state in my program I can not save the proxxy object to session state. I marked the main class in ...

Sharing classes across different web services proxy classes

Hi, I am writting wcf services in .net 3.5 framework with basicHttpBinding and hosting it in the IIS 6.0 ( windows 2003). I have 3 different services ( AuthenticationSerice, Dataserviceservice, ReportingService), there few classess which are shared among these service. My problem is When I am generating proxy classes for three wcf/web...

Can Visual Studio 2005 wsdl.exe create proxy methods with generic parameters?

The proxy methods that I am seeing generated for methods that have generics for parameters like List Of <T> are getting converted to arrays in the proxy methods. I am not sure what the problem is, is it that the wsdl.exe that shipped with Visual Studio 2005 can't handle generics, or is it the version of soap on the machine where the web ...

ASP.NET 2.0 - Add Web Reference does not generate asynchronous proxy code

I am trying to add a web reference to an ASP.NET 2.0 application in Visual Studio 2008. However, the generated proxy classes do not include BeginXXXX and EndXXXX methods. How can I get these to be generated? Do I need to manually use wsdl.exe? (Incidentally in ASP.NET 3.5 apps, there is an option in the Add Service Reference box which...

wsdl.exe/svcutil.exe - is there a way not to generate the classes for types in the xsds during a Web service or client generation

We have a centrally managed object model for types in the schema in C#. We want every one across the enterprise use that object model instead of using the one generated each time from wsdl/svcutil during a webservice client or service implementation. is there a parameter(any other way) to wsdl/svcutil not to generate classes for the sch...

Creating web service and client with shared types

I have created two wsdl files with shared types imported from xsd schema file. After that I have created web services using interface generated by wsdl.exe tool with parameter /serverInterface. Frist web service, have web method “RegisterData” with put into queue some complex object to be processed, by system “A”. As result of this m...

How to access web service on port other than 80 in vs2008/2010

Hi all, I tried searching the net, also tried some workarounds I found (like manually executing wsdl.exe) but still I can't access a remote web service running on a port different than 80 (say 1234). When from Visual Studio 2008 OR 2010 I add a web reference using a url like, the service ...

Can't access a Java web service using VBScript with mssoapinit(address of wsdl)

I have a web service in Java that takes and returns a string. It works with both Java and C# clients by creating a proxy class. I cant get it to work wit VBScript though. I have read everywhere about others using code like the following: Set client = CreateObject("MSSOAP.SOAPClient") client.mssoapinit("http://localhost:8080/WebS...

WSDL.exe - generate interface as well as concrete class for easy fake/mocks later.

Is it possible to get WSDL.exe to generate interfaces as well as, or instead of, concrete classes when it generates proxys to a web service? We're consuming a 3rd party webservice from an ASP.Net application, and have generated our proxy classes using WSDL.exe all well and good. I now want to write tests against my wrapper and business...