
Extending svcutil.exe and wsdl.exe with custom methods

I really need to add some of my own convenience methods into the auto-generated proxy files that are output by wsdl.exe and svcutil.exe. What I am doing is adding another type of OperationAsync method for each service method. I would like to be able to invoke a tool from a command line like this: superwsdl.exe [wsdl command-line argum...

WCF Service Client with svcutil ( no "extra" clientside-datatype def. )

Hi, i got the problem, that a WCF service ( generated with svcutil.exe ) generates it's own datatypes, instead of using the ones i already defined.. for example: The svcutil generated something like this: public partial class EmailTransactionRequestMsg : object, System.Runtime.Serialization.IExtensibleDataObject { private Sys...

Is svcutil.exe a replacement for xsd.exe?

I am using xsd.exe to generate some c# classes from a .xsd file. I ran into the same issue that is covered here and on other sites where xsd.exe generates Type[] arrays instead of generic List collections for types in the .xsd file. Some people have suggested that svcutil.exe can be used as a replacement for xsd.exe if you pass the /dat...

Errors using SvcUtil.exe on a wsdl to generate proxy class - xs:group element

I'm trying to use SvcUtil against a wsdl file to generate proxy classes, but I'm getting an element missing error that I think is related to schema group elements. Does anyone know for a fact if svcutil can handle ? And if so will it handle xs:group elements that have ref attributes that point to the group definition that lives in anot...

WCF Proxy generation

Hi, I'm generating proxy using svcutil tool. My contract methods return objects of particular type. However generated proxy client interface has return value of type object. What is more I get exception with message: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[System.ServiceModel.ExceptionDetail] : The formatter threw an exception while tryi...

SvcUtil.exe Generate multiple wsdl files

I've made a project in Visual C# 2008 Express with several interfaces with a service contract. I generate a WSDL from this using the scvutil.exe tool. All this works perfectly: I get a nice and working WSDL file. However I would like the tool to generate separate WSDL files for the different interfaces. Now it puts everything together in...

Generating code from WSDL in WCF keeps returning message does not match the default value

Ok, this is driving me insane. I've been trying to build service implementation code from a predefined wsdl and it is consistently returning a message on the service contract/interface: // CODEGEN: Generating message contract since the wrapper name (GetMetricsRequest) of message GetMetricsRequest does not match the default value (GetMe...

wsdl.exe/svcutil.exe - is there a way not to generate the classes for types in the xsds during a Web service or client generation

We have a centrally managed object model for types in the schema in C#. We want every one across the enterprise use that object model instead of using the one generated each time from wsdl/svcutil during a webservice client or service implementation. is there a parameter(any other way) to wsdl/svcutil not to generate classes for the sch...

Svcutil.exe for .NET 4.0?

I was trying to use svcutil.exe to generate proxy classes for a service but when I use the /reference option to reference an assembly that is built for .NET 4.0 I get an error. Could not load file or assembly [...] or one of its dependencies. This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be ...

Multiple XSD files with same entities defined

Hi, Thanks for any help, We have two XSD files, both of them shares some same entities and some others different. Note that the one with differences are called differently. We want to generate C# code that can Serialize / Deserialize those entities, without ending up with two entities that share the same name and same content in two ...

What are the strange characters in the XSD downloaded by svcutil.exe

I used svcutil.exe /t:metadata <url-to-xsd> to download an xsd file. Question: What are strange chatacters in the resulting file as displayed by using the 'type' command from the VS CMD prompt? ...