




...regarding execution time and / or memory.

If this is not true, prove it with a code snippet. Note that speedup by vectorization does not count. The speedup most come from *apply (tapply, sapply ...) itself.

Thanks in advance

+17  A: 
Most multi core packages for R also implement parallelization through the `apply` family of functions. Therefore structuring programs so they use apply allows them to be parallelized at a very small marginal cost.
Thank you both !
Sharpie - thank you for that!Any idea for an example showing that (on windows XP) ?
Tal Galili
I would suggest looking at the `snowfall` package and trying the examples in their vignette. `snowfall` builds on top of the `snow` package and abstracts the details of parallelization even further making it dead simple to execute parallelized `apply` functions.
+5  A: 

Sometimes speedup can be substantial, like when you have to nest for-loops to get the average based on a grouping of more than one factor. Here you have two approaches that give you the exact same result :

set.seed(1)  #for reproducability of the results

# The data
X <- rnorm(100000)
Y <- as.factor(sample(letters[1:5],100000,replace=T))
Z <- as.factor(sample(letters[1:10],100000,replace=T))

# the function forloop that averages X over every combination of Y and Z
forloop <- function(x,y,z){
# These ones are for optimization, so the functions 
#levels() and length() don't have to be called more than once.
  ylev <- levels(y)
  zlev <- levels(z)
  n <- length(ylev)
  p <- length(zlev)

  out <- matrix(NA,ncol=p,nrow=n)
  for(i in 1:n){
      for(j in 1:p){
          out[i,j] <- (mean(x[y==ylev[i] & z==zlev[j]]))
  rownames(out) <- ylev
  colnames(out) <- zlev

# Used on the generated data

# The same using tapply

Both give exactly the same result, being a 5 x 10 matrix with the averages and named rows and columns. But :

> system.time(forloop(X,Y,Z))
   user  system elapsed 
   0.94    0.02    0.95 

> system.time(tapply(X,list(Y,Z),mean))
   user  system elapsed 
   0.06    0.00    0.06 

There you go. What did I win? ;-)

Joris Meys
You won an up-vote from me. :)
aah, so sweet :-) I was actually wondering if anybody would ever come across my rather late answer.
Joris Meys
I always sort by "active". :) Not sure how to generalize your answer; sometimes `*apply` is faster. But I think that the more important point is the *side effects* (updated my answer with an example).
I think that apply is especially faster when you want to apply a function over different subsets. If there is a smart apply solution for a nested loop, I guess the apply solution will be faster too. In most cases apply doesn't gain much speed I guess, but I definitely agree on the side effects.
Joris Meys