I am having trouble saving a dotplot to pdf when this command is done inside a function.
It works fine when called normally:
df <- data.frame(a = runif(10), b = runif(10), c = runif(10), x = 1:10)
dotplot(a + b + c ~ x, data = df, type = "l", auto.key=TRUE)
But if this code is inside a function, it will not work and just makes an empty or blank file:
plotFunc <- function(model)
dotplot(a + b + c ~ x, data = model, type = "l", auto.key=TRUE)
However, calling the function without the file commands will successfully print to the graphics window:
plotWinFunc <- function(model)
dotplot(a + b + c ~ x, data = model, type = "l", auto.key=TRUE)
This leads me to believe that something goes wrong with dotplot() when it is supposed to output to a file. And the type of file doesn't matter, I have tried with both bmp and pdf and neither method works.
How can I successfully write a dotplot to a file? Do I have to use a special command from the lattice package or do I have an error somewhere?
Thanks for any help.