



I want to make work ffmpeg-ruby on windows. If possible. But I do not know how to do

  • configure
  • make

    ./configure --prefix=/opt/ffmpeg --enable-pthreads --enable-shared --enable-gpl


    sudo make install

  • git on windows?

    git clone git://

    cd ffmpeg-ruby

    gem build ./ffmpeg-ruby.gemspec

    sudo gem install ./ffmpeg-ruby-0.1.0.gem -- --with-ffmpeg-dir=/opt/ffmpeg

-- sorry for the formatting, cannot make it look better

+1  A: 



Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
+3  A: 

If you've never used git before, you can use TortoiseGit as a GUI interface. This requires you have msysgit installed as linked by Ignacio. Might be nicer to get the sources.

You then launch the msys command line from windows having installed both Msys and MinGW. Navigate to your folder (you may want to mount them - see the fstab file in the etc directory of msys). There you can run ./configure and make.

make install is pretty meaningless on windows and sudo doesn't exist in msys, so skip that step - your binaries will be build in the source code folder.

@Ninefingers: very nice answer, thank you.Let me try ...
could anybody tell me what I need to download and install? Out of MinGW and msys? I guess I do not need all the files to download...
No you don't, thankfully... you'll want gcc, g++, probably binutils, w32api. It looks like there's a mingw automated installer that should do it though! Msys will come with make so just get the installer for windows. Likewise just get the installer for msysgit