I'm working with antlr 3.2. I have a simple grammar that consists of atoms (which are either the characters "0" or "1"), and a rule which accumulates a comma separated list of them into a list.
When I pass in "00" as input, I don't get an error, which surprises me because this should not be valid input:
C:\Users\dan\workspace\antlrtest\test>java -cp antlr-3.2.jar org.antlr.Tool Test.g
C:\Users\dan\workspace\antlrtest\test>javac -cp antlr-3.2.jar *.java
C:\Users\dan\workspace\antlrtest\test>java -cp .;antlr-3.2.jar TestParser
How can I force a error to be generated in this case? It's particularly puzzling because when I use the interpreter in ANTLRWorks on this input, it does show a NoViableAltException.
I find that if I change the grammar to require, say, a semicolon at the end, an error is generated, but that solution isn't available to me in the real grammar I am working on.
Here is the grammar, which is self-contained and runnable:
grammar Test;
@parser::members {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String text = "00";
ANTLRStringStream in = new ANTLRStringStream(text);
TestLexer lexer = new TestLexer(in);
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
System.out.println(new TestParser(tokens).mainRule());
mainRule returns [List<String> words]
@init{$words = new ArrayList<String>();}
: w=atom {$words.add($w.text);} (',' w=atom {$words.add($w.text);} )*
atom: '0' | '1';
: ( '\t' | ' ' | '\r' | '\n'| '\u000C' )+ { $channel = HIDDEN; }