You shoud learn algorithms because this is the fundamental toolbox of any software engineer. In fact, a program, which ever programming language you use, is the implementation of an algorithm.
Beside the usual basics sorting algorithms and other iterative or recursive constructs, you will see that algorithms are also of other nature like distributed algorithms.
Making a computer sorting a list of values is easy and learning that sound boring. Making two computer sorting the same list together could be less easy. In fact, you will never be able to solve the second problem without knowing how to solve the first one.
Speaking of sorting list sounds trivial ? Now, imagine you should develop the online system that will sell tickets for the next big summer festival where 1 billion people will try to buy their ticket at the same time ... how would you implement the priority queue amongst your ten server and assert that the website won't go down if you say, some years ago, to your teacher "I don't want to learn your boring algorithms" :)
Hope you see the concret interest now.