



Hello everyone,

I have to submit code to one of the problems in ACM IPC and, as you may know, the time counts a lot. So, I have to read efficiently an input like this: The first line will contain the sequence of integer values associated and the second line will contain the sequence of integer values associated with another sequence. E.g.:

3 2 1 4 5 7 6    
3 1 2 5 6 7 4   
7 8 11 3 5 16 12 18   
8 3 11 7 16 18 12 5   

I have to put the 1st line in an array and the second in another and pass both in a function.

How do I read and put these in C/C++? I was thinking in a C way, but my approach would have 2 while's... I have preference reading with scanf, but the parsing can be done as you want.

Please , help this newb!

+3  A: 

Read the lines using std:;getline(). Then use a stringstream to parse each line. As this is for a competition, you won't be wanting actual code.

It is not for competition, it's for training. We only submit the code in a platform that the university developped, but the problems are from ACM IPC or similar. So, any code would be very helpfull. Thanks, anyway

You could also use strtok() and strdup().

See example of using strtok() and strdup(). strtok() would then be used to extract the individual tokens - strdup() to allocate space an copy them.

Yes, but remember that `strtok()` is the worst-designed function in the C library, so you might want to look for a safer function that does something similar. `strdup()` is not in the C90 standard (I don't have the C99), but it's easy to write.
David Thornley
@David:I'd agree that `strtok` has a poor interface, but are you honestly claiming that it's worse than `gets`? I think that claim would require considerable justification.
Jerry Coffin
@Jerry: `strtok()` has hidden internal state, which I believe is more important than the interface, and which I believe makes it the worst-designed function. `gets()` is a contender, though.
David Thornley
@David:IMO, `gets` is clearly worse -- there's **no** safe way to use `gets`. While `strtok` can be clumsy, it's still possible to use it safely under some circumstances. Quite a few functions have hidden internal state (e.g., `rand()`, many of the time functions).
Jerry Coffin
+1  A: 
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>

typedef std::vector< int > ints_t;

void dump_ints( const ints_t& input )
        std::ostream_iterator< int >( std::cout, " " ) );
    std::cout << std::endl;

void foo( const ints_t& first, const ints_t& second )
    dump_ints( first );
    dump_ints( second );

bool parse_line( std::istream& is, ints_t* output )
    std::string line;
    if ( std::getline( is, line ) )
        std::istringstream raw_ints( line );
            std::istream_iterator< int >( raw_ints ),
            std::istream_iterator< int >(),
            std::back_inserter( *output ) );
        return true;
        return false;

bool parse( std::istream& is, ints_t* first, ints_t* second )
    const bool result = parse_line( is, first ) && parse_line( is, second );
    return result;

void run( std::istream& is )
    while ( is )
        ints_t first;
        ints_t second;
        if ( parse( is, &first, &second ) )
            foo( first, second );

int main()
    //if you want to read input from file use ifstream and comment istringstream 
//    std::ifstream is( "put_here_a_path_to_input_file" );
    std::istringstream is( 
        "3 2 1 4 5 7 6\n"
        "3 1 2 5 6 7 4\n"
        "7 8 11 3 5 16 12 18\n"
        "8 3 11 7 16 18 12 5\n"
    run( is );