I had fun with this a while ago for a python-dev thread. The original post can be found at
http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-January/059925.html This particular algorithm can perform floating point bases as well.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import math
def ibase(n, radix=2, maxlen=None):
r = []
while n:
n,p = divmod(n, radix)
r.append('%d' % p)
if maxlen and len(r) > maxlen:
return ''.join(r)
def fbase(n, radix=2, maxlen=8):
r = []
f = math.modf(n)[0]
while f:
f, p = math.modf(f*radix)
r.append('%.0f' % p)
if maxlen and len(r) > maxlen:
return ''.join(r)
def base(n, radix, maxfloat=8):
if isinstance(n, float):
return ibase(n, radix)+'.'+fbase(n, radix, maxfloat)
elif isinstance(n, (str, unicode)):
n,f = n.split('.')
n = int(n, radix)
f = int(f, radix)/float(radix**len(f))
return n + f
return ibase(n, radix)
if __name__=='__main__':
pi = 3.14
print 'pi:', pi, 'base 10'
piBase3 = base(pi, 3)
print 'pi:', piBase3, 'base 3'
piFromBase3 = base(piBase3, 3)
print 'pi:', piFromBase3, 'base 10 from base 3'