Having looked at this field for several years, I can definitely say that while there are many good aspects to several systems, if you decide to invest time in Inform 7, you will end up with a very powerful system that will likely fill all of your needs, and then some.
As a computer programmer, the English language type syntax seems a bit loose at first, but it is a small price to pay for the ease of design that comes with it. Additionally, it comes with a fantastic IDE that incorporates compilation, help, windows, automated test script generation, and much more. On top of that there are many source code examples, both in the download, and elsewhere on the net that you can use to discover how it works. Finally, there are are also several user created libraries that have been created to handle unusual cases that you may run into in the course of your design.
You can find Inform here, and another great place to check out is the if-archive, where you can find examples, extensions, manuals, etc. Additionally, another great place to check out is Baf's Guide to the IF Archive, which gives various ratings, but also allows you to find Z-code, and download Inform source in many cases.