As others mention, firewalls are an issue with SMTP. Still, there is a simple way to deliver mails without hosting your own infrastructure or "hidden" passwords. You could simply register a free mail account, e.g. gmail, and send mails directly to this address. As you aren't using Gmail's SMTP server as a relay, there is no need for username and password.
public static String[] lookupMailHosts(final String domainName) throws NamingException {
final InitialDirContext iDirC = new InitialDirContext();
final Attributes attributes = iDirC
.getAttributes("dns:/" + domainName, new String[] { "MX" });
final Attribute attributeMX = attributes.get("MX");
if (attributeMX == null) {
return new String[] { domainName };
final String[][] pvhn = new String[attributeMX.size()][2];
for (int i = 0; i < attributeMX.size(); i++) {
pvhn[i] = ("" + attributeMX.get(i)).split("\\s+");
// sort the MX RRs by RR value (lower is preferred)
Arrays.sort(pvhn, new Comparator<String[]>() {
public int compare(final String[] o1, final String[] o2) {
return Integer.parseInt(o1[0]) - Integer.parseInt(o2[0]);
// put sorted host names in an array, get rid of any trailing '.'
final String[] sortedHostNames = new String[pvhn.length];
for (int i = 0; i < pvhn.length; i++) {
sortedHostNames[i] = pvhn[i][1].endsWith(".") ? pvhn[i][1].substring(0, pvhn[i][1]
.length() - 1) : pvhn[i][1];
return sortedHostNames;
for example:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// prints [,,,,]
so you would use "" as your first choice for javax.mail:
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("", lookupMailHosts("")[0]);
// ... other properies
Session smtpSession = Session.getInstance(props, null)
You could even combine this approach with a simple HTTP to SMTP kind of service hosted on AppEngine. All it would have to do is receive HTTP POST requests and forward them as an email using the method shown above.