Hi i am trying to make a phpSoap Client request to server that expects message to be in below format. I have tried may options got it to work to some extent when there is one name spaced Datum
sat_system 10029 [email protected] 987asdfghbv5633 2009-11-22T11:04:30.000Z sat_system FirstName xxxxxxxx 2009-12-09T11:04:30.000Z sat_system LastName xxxxxxxx 2009-12-09T11:04:30.000Z sat_system Address xxxxxxxx 2009-12-09T11:04:30.000Z
The problem i have is when there is array of datum objects passed as parameter to new SoapVar() , phpSoap adds "" and looses the namespace assigned to individual dataum elements. I am attaching my code below. Any help is solving this problem is greatly appreciated.
class Profile { public $sourceNameSpace; public $sourceGuid; public $emailAddress; public $msgId; public $timestamp; public $ProfileData;
function __construct($sourceNameSpace,$sourceGuid,$emailAddress,$msgId,$timestamp,$profiledata) {
$this->sourceNameSpace = $sourceNameSpace;
$this->sourceGuid = $sourceGuid;
$this->emailAddress = $emailAddress;
$this->msgId = $msgId;
$this->timestamp = $timestamp;
$this->ProfileData = $profiledata;
class ProfileData { protected $datum; // variable MUST be protected or public! function __construct($datum){ $this->datum = $datum; } }
class datum { //any data public $satname; public $key; public $value; public $timestamp; function __construct($satname,$key,$value,$timestamp){ $this->satname = $satname; $this->key = $key; $this->value = $value; $this->timestamp = $timestamp; } }
$datum1 = new SoapVar(new datum('sat_name','FirstName','xxxxx',time()),SOAP_ENC_OBJECT,NULL, NULL, 'datum', 'http://www.mysite.com'));
$datum2 = new SoapVar(new datum('sat_name','LastName','xxxxx',time()),SOAP_ENC_OBJECT,NULL, NULL, 'datum', 'http://www.mysite.com'));
$ProfileData = new SoapVar(array($datum1,$datum2),SOAP_ENC_ARRAY,NULL, NULL, 'ProfileData','http://www.mysite.com' ));
$Profile = new Profile(new profile('sat_name',1000,'[email protected],10001,$ProfileData);
$var = new SoapVar($Profile,SOAP_ENC_OBJECT,NULL, NULL, 'Profile', 'http://www.mysite.com'));
$url = 'https://nsd6.com:443/UpdateProfileService.wsdl'; $Client = new SoapClient($url, array('trace'=>1)); $Client->__setSoapHeaders($soap_header); try{ $success = $Client->UpdateProfile($var);
} catch (SoapFault $fault) {
echo "REQUEST:\n<pre>" . $Client->__getLastRequest() . "</pre>\n";
Greatly appreciate any help that i can receive in solving this problem.