




I am developing a game using OpenGL. I need to load some images from the web when the game starts (only if there are new ones available). And to do this I decided to create a view controller exactly like Default.png and do the loading there using a UIProgressView.

I then added it as subview of my window. Load the images and once it is done it calls the delgate to removeFromSuperview. This is working but is not what I wanted.

What I want is to have my view controller presented as a modal view controller, however there is no other view controller to present it as a modal, and then dismiss it with an animation once the loading is done. I have done this in other applications, but I have no other view controller to present it here. How can I achieve this?. Thank you.


use the presentModalViewController property

[self presentModalViewController:myController animated:TRUE];

Sheehan Alam