



I get a 404 error when I navigate to the following URL using the route below:


However, all the following are correctly routed to the List action in my controller:





public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

            controller = "Properties",
            action = "List",
            country = UrlParameter.Optional,
            state = UrlParameter.Optional,
            city = UrlParameter.Optional,
            id = UrlParameter.Optional

        "Default",                                              // Route name
        "{controller}/{action}/{id}",                           // URL with parameters
        new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" }  // Parameter defaults

In PropertiesController.cs:

public ActionResult List(string country, string state, string city, string id)
     return View();

Anyone know what I'm missing? Looks like it should just go to the default action, but it obviously doesn't...


Instead of passing


try passing


as specified in Phil Haacks post here. I don't know if this will solve the issue as I'm not currently in a position to test it.

Simon G
That's not available in MVC 1.0 though.
Please note that UrlParameter.Optional is only available in MVC 2 RC 2, which was just released in early February.
@çağdaş: The OP specifically says MVC 2.
Dan Atkinson
@Dan Atkinson Ah, I read the post body again before commenting, but apparently not the title.
I tried it with UrlParameter.Optional (and that's how I'll do it from now on, thanks Simon), but it's still returning a 404 when I go to http://localhost:53999/properties/
Ozzie Perez
+1  A: 

You can also try the following (since you're using MVC 1.0).

Add a route above the current route:

    "Properties", "Properties", new { controller = "Properties", action = "List"} 

And add an overloaded ActionResult List() method to your controller:

public ActionResult List()
     return View();
George Stocker
I too thought he was using MVC 1.0 :) But he says MVC 2 in the title. It's weird we both missed that.
I tried it exactly as you have it, but VS complained I already had a route named "Properties", so I changed it to "DefaultProperties" to give it something different. Unfortunately, I still get a 404 when I simply go to localhost:53999/properties. However, once I have a value for one of the optional parameters, it gets routed to the action no problem.P.S. Yeah, I'm using MVC 2 RC2..
Ozzie Perez
+1  A: 

Have you tried this Route Debugger from Phil Haack? It may help you determine what is going on.

Thanks, yea actually I just tried it and it seems to recognize the correct controller and action, but it still throws a 404. It may be a bug, cause I was able to fix it by changing the leading route keyword from "Properties" to anything else. It could be that the keyword is reserved or something... dunno. I tested the entire thing with a different leading routing keyword and it works just fine. Weird, but it's working now. :)
Ozzie Perez

Brad Wilson answered it on this post:

"No, the problem is that you have a Properties folder on your disk, so it's dispatching through the standard dispatcher (not MVC), and then 404ing because it can't find a default document."

Ozzie Perez