This is a GIS question and would not be solved easily unless you're using the proper tools.
Use QGIS to open the US Shapefile data
EDIT In the case the shapefiles I linked to are not exactly the ones you were looking for then Google for "US shapefiles". Shapefiles are actually a group of geospatial (and not just one file).
Reproject your layer to the specified projection
EDIT this can be a hassle, but just in case, it doesn't ogr (see below) can reproject. EPSG are obtained from spatial reference
- Use ogr2ogr (cheatsheet) or the converter plugin to convert your data to KML. This will output your data in a Google maps/earth/human readable format that will have the coordinates in them
What are you using to display the online maps? have you considered openlayers or Google maps API or mapserver
I tested my method on some data I have and it works, here's a sample output for one polygon using "State and Equivalent (Current)" layer:
<name>American Samoa</name>
<outerBoundaryIs><LinearRing><coordinates> -0.001536,-0.000099,0.000000 -0.001536,-0.000099,0.000000 -0.001536,-0.000100,0.000000 -0.001536,-0.000100,0.000000 -0.001536,-0.000100,0.000000 -0.001536,-0.000100,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000100,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000100,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000100,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000100,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000100,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000100,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000100,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000100,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000100,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000100,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000100,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000100,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000100,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000100,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000099,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000099,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000099,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000099,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000099,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000099,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000099,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000099,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000099,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000099,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000099,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000099,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000099,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000099,0.000000 -0.001537,-0.000099,0.000000 -0.001536,-0.000099,0.000000 -0.001536,-0.000099,0.000000 -0.001536,-0.000099,0.000000 -0.001536,-0.000099,0.000000 -0.001536,-0.000099,0.000000 -0.001536,-0.000099,0.000000 -0.001536,-0.000099,0.000000 -0.001536,-0.000099,0.000000</coordinates>