
java transform projection EPSG:900913 to EPSG:4326

in the openlayers we can simple transform EPSG:900913 to EPSG:4326 I'm look for a java lib can do that. here I found this, but the document is in c++ I don't know how to use it. If anyone konw that, please post a simple code ...

Where can I find the coordinates needed to draw the US in the Mercator projection?

So I'm writing a Javascript library that takes x,y coordinates and uses them to draw a map of the US. To do this, I need to find the coordinate data necessary to draw each state. This map on Wikipedia is a great example of what I need, because the SVG file contains the shapes that make up each state nicely labeled: http://upload.wikime...

How to find relation between change in latitudes at centre of map and top/bottom

Hi, Im having little trouble finding a relation between the movement at centre and edge of a circle, Im doing for panning world map,my map extent is 180,89:-180,-89, my map pans by adding change(dx,dY) to its extents and not its centre. Now a situation has arrrised where I have to move the map to a specific centre, to calculate the chan...

How to transform coordinate from WGS84 to a coordinate in a projection with PROJ.4?

I have a GPS-coordinate in WGS84 that I would like to transform to a map-projection coordinate in SWEREF99 TM using PROJ.4 in Java or Proj4js in JavaScript. Its hard to find documentation for PROJ.4 and how to use it. If you have a good link, please post it as a comment. The PROJ.4 parameters for SWEREF99 TM is +proj=utm +zone=33 +ellp...

Hot to convert UTM to Lat/Long?

Is there a way to convert UTM to Lat/Long in Javascript? I have seen another thread on this but it was in Java and Python which won't help me much. Please let me know, thanks. ...

How can I convert UTM coordinates from Meters to Feet?

Does anyone have a formula or conversion that will switch my UTM coordinates from Meters to Feet? I found Javascript code that will convert UTM coords in meters to Lat/Long but I will need my UTM in feet before I convert it to Lat/Long. Thanks, ...

Java Simple WGS84 Lat Lon to Pixel X, Y

I've read a multitude of information regarding map projection today. The amount of information available is overwhelming. I am attempting to simply convert lat, long values into a screen X, Y coordinate not using any map. I do not need the values projected onto any map, just on the window. The window itself is representing approx. a 1...

Using LINQ to map dynamically (or construct projections)

I know I can map two object types with LINQ using a projection as so: var destModel = from m in sourceModel select new DestModelType {A = m.A, C = m.C, E = m.E} where class SourceModelType { string A {get; set;} string B {get; set;} string C {get; set;} string D {get; set;} string E {get; set;} } c...

How Can I Proj4 details from the Shape File's .prj file ?

Hi I am using mapdotnet services for our gis application to load the shape files and this mapdotnet service want the proj4 details and that getting from the but for this proj4 details is blank. any other way to get it. Below is the .prj of the shape file- PROJCS["NAD_1983_HARN_WISCRS_EauClaire_County_Feet",GEOGCS...

Google Maps Custom Projection

I have created a custom Google Maps projection using the Google Maps Javascript API V2. It looks like this, as per the API specification: function PProjection(levels) { this.fromLatLngToPixel = function(latlng, zoom) { ... }; this.fromPixelToLatLng = function(pixel, zoom) { ... }; this.tileCheckRange = function(tile, zoom, ...

Orthographic projections in Google Earth (/Sky) possible? Alternatives?

I need to create whole-sky maps, but Google Earth in Sky mode has limited "zoom out." Is it possible to create an orthographic map projection with Google Earth (or, for that matter, MS Virtual Earth)? Really any of the standard projections will do, although it would be nice to have options. Of course, I could render the projection stat...

Proj4 reprojection using R

Hi, I am trying to reproject coordinates from WGS84 to MGA Zone 53, a UTM projection based on the GDA94 datum. I get infinity as my result, which is definitely incorrect. I am using R's proj4 package like so: > library(proj4) > df <- data.frame("x" = c(131.1, 131.102, 131.1106, 133.34), "y" = c(-13.23, -13.243, -13.22, -22.66)) > df ...