A common way to do this is to have a "properties" table simmular to a properties file. Here you can store all your app constants, or not so constant things that you just need to have around.
You can then grab the info from this table as you need it. Likewise, as you find you have some other setting to save, you can add it in. Here is an example:
[id, scope, refId, propertyName, propertyValue, propertyType]
1, 0, 1, "COMPANY_INFO", "Acme Tools", "ADMIN"
2, 0, 1, "SHIPPING_ID", "12333484", "ADMIN"
3, 0, 1, "PAYPAL_KEY", "2143123412341", "ADMIN"
4, 0, 1, "PAYPAL_KEY", "123412341234123", "ADMIN"
5, 0, 1, "NOTIF_PREF", "ON", "ADMIN"
6, 0, 2, "NOTIF_PREF", "OFF", "ADMIN"
This way you can store the data you have, and the data that you will have next year and don't know about yet :) .
In this example, your scope and refId can be used for whatever you want on the back end. So if propertyType "ADMIN" has a scope 0 refId 2, you know what preference it is.
Property type comes in hand when, someday, you need to store non-admin info in here as well.
Note that you should not store cart data this way, or lookups for that matter. However if the data is System specific, then you can certainly use this method.
For example: If you want to store your DATABASE_VERSION, you'd use a table like this. That way, when you need to upgrade the app, you can check the properties table to see what version of your software the client has.
The point is you do not want to use this for things that pertain to the cart. Keep you business logic in well defined relational tables. The properties table is for system info only.