I'm writing a chat feature (like the Faceboook.com one) for a Google App Engine site. I need a way to keep track of what users have new messages. I'm currently trying to use Memcache:
class Message():
def __init__(self, from_user_key, message_text)
self.from_user_key = from_user_key
self.message_text = message_text
class NewMessages():
def __init__(self):
self.messages = []
def add_message(self, message):
def get_messages(self):
return self.messages
def messages_sent(self):
self.messages = [] #Clear all messages
def ChatUserManager():
def load(user_key):
manager = memcache.get("chat_user_%s" % user_key)
if manager is not None:
return manager
manager = ChatUserManager(user_key)
memcache.set("chat_user_%s" % user_key, manager)
return manager
def save(self):
memcache.set("chat_user_%s" % user_key, self)
def __init__(self, user_key):
self.online = True
self.new_messages = NewMessages()
self.new_data = False
self.user_key = user_key
def recieve_message(self, message):
self.new_data = True
self.new_messages.add_message(Message(from_user_key, message_text))
def send_message(self, message):
to_manager = ChatUserManager.load(message.from_user_key)
def client_receive_success(self):
self.new_data = False
This chat is user to user, like Facebook or an IM session, not group chat.
Each user will poll a url with ajax to get new messages addressed to them every x seconds. The chat manager will be loaded on that page (ChatUserManager.load(user_key)) and new messages will be checked for. When they are sent the manager will be told that the messages have been sent (manager.client_receive_success()), and then saved back to memcache (manager.save()).
When a user sends a message in the javascript client, it will send an ajax request to a url. The url will load the client's UserChatManager and call .send_message(Message(to_user_key, message_string))).
I'm concerned about the practicality of this model. If everything is in memcache how will it be synchronized across different pages?
Is there a better way to do this?
I do admit that I'm not a python pro yet so the code might not be very pythonic, are there any best practices I'm missing?