



I'm using msysgit running on Windows XP.

Tried Ctrl+V, Right click, Middle click, google... no luck.

+7  A: 

Try clicking the console's window icon (topleft) and choosing Edit -> Mark, then drag a box on the text, then press Enter.

What I want is to paste content `into` git bash. But thanks to you, I spotted `Edit -> Paste` which is exactly what I want! No more typing API code manually!
Glad my answer helped, even if slightly circuitously. ;)
+3  A: 

It's not really a function of git, msys, or bash; every windows console program is stuck using the same cumbersome copy/paste mechanism for hysterical raisins. Turning on QuickEdit mode can help -- or you can install a nice alternative console like this one, and change your git bash shortcut to use it instead.

+9  A: 

Aside from using the edit menu commands, you can directly paste into the git bash window using the keyboard shortcut, Control+Insert.

Correction: Just the insert key is necessary to paste.

Dan Rigby
No need for the Control key, just the Insert key works to paste
This is much better then the accepted answer!
Jörn Zaefferer
+1  A: 

if your intention is copy/paste comments for git commits, try set the enviromental variable EDITOR as your favorite plain-text editor (notepad, notepad++ ...) and when you will commit, don't give him the -m option and Git will open your favorite editor for copy/paste you comment
