




Is it possible to load a short video file and - once loaded - select a specific frame and display that frame in a view? If there is no native support for this, how about an open source alternative?

Thanks in advance.



I think that in iphone programming you're stuck with the fullscreen video solution proposed by apple. You could write your own controller to do it differently, but i think it could be difficult to achieve good performances and you're cut out of the app-store for sure.


looks like in iphone sdk 3.2 apple added something for you:

The MPMoviePlayerController class defines an interface for managing the playback of a movie. Playback occurs either in full-screen mode or in a custom view that is vended by the movie player controller. You can incorporate the view into your own view hierarchies or use a MPMoviePlayerViewController object to manage the presentation for you.

and again

Behavior in iPhone OS 3.1 and Earlier In iPhone OS 3.1 and earlier, this class implemented a full-screen movie player only. After creating the movie player and initializing it with a single movie file, you called the play method to present the movie. (The definition of the play method has since moved out of this class and into the MPMediaPlayback protocol.) The movie player object itself handled the actual presentation of the movie content.

i haven't tested it yet but have a look at the official documentation under MPMoviePlayerController Class Reference, it may help.

isn't SDK 3.2 still under NDA ;)