I'm trying to set up a very basic subtheme with Drupal. I've been led to believe that the subtheme will inherit the settings of the base theme and the two themes will look almost identical.
Here are the steps I am taking...
- Creating a new folder at '/sites/all/themes/sub_theme_name'.
- Creating the info file 'sub_theme_name.info' in this folder. Here are the contents...
name = sub_theme_name
description = This is a demo sub theme.
version = 1.0
core = 6.x
base theme = garland
- Browse to the Themes Admin page. Enable my subtheme and set it to the default.
- Browse to my front page...this is where I expect everything to look identical or almost identical to the base theme 'garland'. The problem is that no CSS files are being inherited.
Any ideas?