



Hello SO:

I am attempting to debug a website on Windows XP. To be more specific, I am trying to debug an install of SiteFinity CMS. This CMS was installed via Microsoft's Web Platform Installer. It was installed to the default location of C:\Inetput\wwwroot.

The first error I got when attempting to debug the website with VS2008 was relatively straightforward and I solved it by changing the authentication of the web application in the IIS manager. Here is that error:

Error 1

The second error, the one that has me stumped, is not really an error message at all. When I go to debug the website now, I get an authentication prompt from localhost:80:

Error 2

I tried putting my windows user credentials in, but that did not work. Any suggestions on what user I should try, or better yet how to eliminate the need to enter credentials at all?

+1  A: 

Does your windows user have permissions for this site ?

Where do I go to verify this? Is it under the properties menu of the website in the IIS manager?
Well, it depends how permissions are organized in your CMS. I'm not very familiar with SiteFinity CMS, but check its documentation for how to setup user permissions. It's not a IIS manager property though.
What doesn't seem to make sense to me is it prompts for the username and password before anything loads. If I navigate to http://localhost/ without debugging anything, it still prompts me for a username and password.
That's correct. This is the way windows authentication works.
Hmm, ok. I'll check out the documentation and see what I can do from there. Thanks!
I would suggest, first use forms authentication to be able to login in the admin panel and the set proper permission for your windows accounts.