




Hi I like to study WSDL, UDDI. But I am totally noob to web-services. I have pretty well knowledge of servlets and jsps.Can anybody guide me how to start with web-services.


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So one advice: start small, for example with "just" some basic SOAP and WSDL (this is already huge) before to even think of UDDI and other WS specifications.

Have a look at the W3Schools Web Service Tutorial, check this great beginner's guide for WSDL. Then grab a web service stack for your preferred language and start to play with it.

For Java, I'd suggest to use JAX-WS and to start with a Java-first approach (i.e. using annotations). This would hide a lot of the complexity and allow you to get started extremely fast. See Getting Started with JAX-WS Web Services for example (NetBeans has very good web services support, I'd recommend it for a beginner).

Pascal Thivent