Hello there,
I'm having a bizarre problem with C++ where the long data type is overflowing long before it should. What I'm doing (with success so far) is to have integers behave like floats, so that the range [-32767,32767] is mapped to [-1.0,1.0]. Where it stumbles is with larger arguments representing floats greater than 1.0:
inline long times(long a, long b) {
printf("a=%ld b=%ld ",a,b);
a *= b;
printf("a*b=%ld ",a);
a /= 32767l;
return a;
int main(void) {
What I get as output is:
a=98301 b=32767 a*b=-1073938429 a*b/32767=-32775
So times(98301,32767) is analogous to 3.0*1.0. This code works perfectly when the arguments to times are less than 32767 (1.0), but none of the intermediate steps with the arguments above should overflow the 64 bits of long.
Any ideas?