



I am trying to add a data model to an existing Xcode project. I am doing so by...

File -> Add Files... -> iPhone OS/Resource/Data Model -> next -> (name the model) -> Next -> Finish.

What I get is an empty blue folder named mymodelname.xcdtamodel and no editor.

I tried creating a new windows based (use core data for storage checked) project with the same name as the project I am working on. This properly creates the .xcdatamodel file. I thought I could then add this .xcdatamodel file to my real project, but when I do it shows up as a folder with 2 files in it, none of which will give me an editor.

I am stumped. What am I doing wrong? Any ideas for a workaround?

Thanks, John


My guess is that for some reason the Launch Services extension database didn't get rebuilt when you installed Xcode, so the system doesn't recognize .xcdatamodel packages as such. Google for "lsregister -kill" to rebuild the LS database.

Thanks for the suggestion after a google search as you suggested I ran the following in terminal that completed successfully.../System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister \ -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain userNo sure that actually does what you suggested but after running it my problem continues. Any other suggestions?

I was able to get this working by doing a "Get Info" on the file inside XCode. Then changing the File Type to "wrapper.xcdatamodel"
