Hello everyone,
I'm trying to use a 'tweet this page' function in a flash piece using the url format 'http://www.twitter.com/home?status=go+to+this+page+http://www.example.com/#/page10'.
The flash project has deep-linked urls using SWFAddress. This requires the urls to have the pound character ( http://www.example.com/#/page10 ).
I can't seem to get this to work as Twitter misinterprets the pound sign (#) and redirects to another twitter account.
I've tried encoding the url but twitter doesn't decode it before putting the text into the status form.
As my last resort I could create urls without the pound sign and have them redirect to the SWFAddress urls but I am supposed to try and fix this problem from within the swf only.
Anyone ever have the same issue. Is there something I'm missing??