Hi Nathan,
im not sure if this is what you are looking for.
I use something similar to the code below to load in around 300 images( about 200 mb ) and have no UI slow down at all. (the user can see each image being loaded in, I just keep an empty placeholder image up till the final image is loaded)
The images are loaded in a background thread, and then the function is called to actually put them into the WPF scene.
here is a simple example using a textbox. You can call this function from any thread and it will work out if it needs to change the to the GUI thread. (for my project of course i am doing it with bitmaps, not a textbox ).
delegate void UpdateUIThreadDelegate(String str);
public void DisplayString(String strMessage)
if (this.InvokeRequired)
UpdateUIThreadDelegate updateDelegate = DisplayString;
this.BeginInvoke(updateDelegate, strMessage);
myTextBox.Text = strMessage;