Some math calculations in JS problem solving
I am working on a zoom image functionality that creates a new div
with a large image that is moved through x and y according to the mousemove on the image.
The large image should move a certain %, which is what i am trying to figure out. How much should it move by.
Here is some info:
- The small image is always the same size and its square. (it is actually always 221px X 221px)
- The large image varies (also always square, can be any size like 1000x1000)
- The view port of the zoomer is always the same.
I want to calculate how much smaller (or vice-versa ) the small image is from the the large.
This is in middle of a whole big script. I started writing the formula for the calculation: Again, All i want is to get the difference in percent converted into pixels step by step. First get the % then convert that into pixels.
zoomObj.caluculateSizes = function(){
// zoomObj.callingEvent is the small image
zoomObj.smlImgSize = zoomObj.callingEvent.width()
zoomObj.lrgImgSize = zoomObj.largeImage.width()
// How do i go from here?
js goes on.......