on WIN XP SP3 and Netbeans 6.7.1 IDE,
I have installed Java SDK 6.17 which includes JavaDB. I set the JavaDB directory to ...\Java\JavaDB at the Java installation script with %DERBY_HOME% set accordingly and %PATH% including %DERBY_HOME%\bin
Later on I installed GlassFish-V3 Prelude which - surprise surprise - comes with its own JavaDB and silently installs that into a JavaDB directory under the GlassFish path.
- I don't want to have duplicates. Can I remove one of these installations without spoiling Netbeans.
- How can I verify which of the two JavaDB's Netbeans is actually using
- Can I eventually configure GlassFish in a way to use the JavaDB I installed as part of the SDK
Thanks for any hints (as on superuser.com I didn't get any replies :-( )
Good luck MikeD