
JavaDB connection error (network protocol)

I'm trying to connect to derby using this: dbProperties.put("create", "true"); dbProperties.put("dataEncryption", "true"); dbProperties.put("encryptionAlgorithm", "DES/CBC/NoPadding"); dbProperties.put("encryptionKey", "1234567890123456"); dbProperties.put("securityMechanism", ClientDataSource.STRONG_PASSWORD_SUBSTITUTE_SECURITY); // p...

JavaDB administration tools

My current employer wants to use JavaDB for his new project. Allright with it, as my favoured SQLite isn't working very well with java and I, er..., don't really feel like arguing about it. Anyway I can't find a decent free tool to manipulate JavaDB or Derby databases. All I have is Netbeans. I've tried others but all the free ones are r...

Making a connection between multiple databases

I'm using JAVA DB (derby) I want to import a public view of my data to another database (also in java db). I want to pass this data and save in to the other database. I'm having trouble since the general rule is one connection to one database. Help would be much appreciated. ...

JavaDB dual installation

Hello, on WIN XP SP3 and Netbeans 6.7.1 IDE, I have installed Java SDK 6.17 which includes JavaDB. I set the JavaDB directory to ...\Java\JavaDB at the Java installation script with %DERBY_HOME% set accordingly and %PATH% including %DERBY_HOME%\bin Later on I installed GlassFish-V3 Prelude which - surprise surprise - comes with its o...

Configuring Quercus to talk to JavaDB

I am trying to get the Quercus PHP engine to connect with the JavaDB. I have successfully deployed Quercus in Glassfish, but I can't get Quercus to successfully connect with my database in JavaDB. Can anyone point me to an article or tutorial that treats this subject? ...

user table with javaDB and Hibernate from within grails

let's see if I can ask this in an understandable way... I started with grails and created a domain class called user. As far as I understand, Hibernate is used to map this domain class to the database. This works pretty fine with hsqldb. Now I tried to switch to javaDB and get an error message because the table is called "user" (which ...

Derby/JavaDB vs SQLiteJDBC

I found a lot of comparisions here, but not this one; So, what is best in each one? ...

JavaDB/Derby Error 08006

In the article Using Java DB in Desktop Applications the Address Book demo have a method disconnect which have a try-catch block that catch and ignores the exception. If you add a printStackTrace you can see that the exception always occur. What's wrong here? The JavaDB should not throw this exception, or they should fix something in th...

JavaDB SQL command reduntant?

Correct me if I am wrong, but this SQL command: create table MYTABLE (ID INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY (START WITH 1, INCREMENT BY 1)) does not need the NOT NULL part, as a primary key is suppose, by default, to be not null. Isn't this reduntant? (I'm not secure to just test it and agree in the result, pr...

How do I set up derby in eclipse on Ubuntu?

The question basically says it all. I'm trying setup up JavaDB on my virtualbox running Ubuntu 9.10. I have the package downloaded and installed through the package manager, which I believe is the right to go about it. I have also installed the Eclipse's Data Platform Tools. I've been following this tutorial here:

How should I store an Java Enum in JavaDB?

How should I store an Java Enum in JavaDB? Should I try to map the enums to SMALLINT and keep the values in source code only? The embedded database is only used by a single application. Or should I just store the values as DECIMAL? None of these solutions feels good/robust for me. Is there any better alternatives? Here is my enum: imp...

How to implement Auto_Increment per User, on the same table?

I would like to have multiple users that share the same tables in the database, but have one auto_increment value per user. I will use an embedded database, JavaDB and as what I know it doesn't support this functionality. How can I implement it? Should I implement a trigger on inserts that lookup the users last inserted row, and then ad...

How can I get the name of all tables in a JavaDB database?

How can i programmatically get the names of all tables in a JavaDB database? Is there any specific SQL-statement over JDBC I can use for this or any built in function in JDBC? I will use it for exporting the tables to XML, and would like to do it this way so I don't miss any tables from the database when exporting. ...

what does mean "SQL Error: 30000, SQLState: XSAI3" ?

I'm using javadb/derbydb with hibernate 3.5-Final I get this error at the end of EM initialisation : 4427 [SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-1] WARN org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter - SQL Error: 30000, SQLState: XSAI3 4427 [SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-1] ERROR org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter - Feature not implemented. ...

How to deploy a Java Swing application with an embedded JavaDB database?

I have implemented an Java Swing application that uses an embedded JavaDB database. The database need to be stored somewhere and the database tables need to be created at the first run. What is the preferred way to do these procedures? Should I always create the database in the local directory, and first check if the database file exist...

How can I identify columns when SELECTing from multiple tables with JDBC?

I have two tables that I join on the id-column, they look like: +-------+ | users | +----+--+---+ | id | name | +----+------+ +-------+ | posts | +-------+------+---------+ | id | user_id | message | +----+---------+---------+ And now I want to select all posts and include the username, with: SELECT * FROM posts, users WHERE user_id...

NETBEANS JAVADB - How do I integrate a JavaDB DataBase into my main Java Package

JAVA I am working on a desktop application which uses JavaDB. I am using NetBeans 6.8 and JDK 6 Update 20 I created the database I need and connected to it through my application using ClientDriver: String driver = "org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver"; String connectionURL = "jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/myDB;create=true;user=u...

JavaDB ( derby ) path to database?

Using the embedded driver I can connect to my derby database using the JDBC url: jdbc:derby:mydbname But, I usually put the full path for the db like: jdbc:derby:/Users/oreyes/dbs/mydbname Is there a way I can just specify the db name and have something like a "db_path" or something like that? ...

Create autoincrement key in Java DB using NetBeans IDE

Hi. I'm coming from MySQL world, please help. Is it possible to create autoincrement key from NetBeans IDE in JavaDB? Do you use some more advanced db clients, which? Thanks. ...

Distribute a database made with JavaDB with Java program

Hi, I'm creating a program in Java in which I have to use a lot of tables. I made the decision to create all those tables in a JavaDB file. However, now I want to distribute this filled JavaDB file with my JAR file for distribution, since connecting to a server is not an option. In the past I could only distribute an empty database wi...