
dump JDBC Derby database to a SQL script

Hello, I think this task should be obvious but I couldn't find how to do it. I am going to create a Java DB database (Derby) that will later be copied from my computer to another computer through a SQL script. Can I create it using Netbeans' GUI and then export it (and if yes, how), or do I have to write the script myself? Thanks. ...

Need help on loadin text file in database using java

I have a requirement to load text files in to access db.Fo example i have 10 test files saved in c://Input file names format is 123_File1.txt etc. The table contains two columns (Id,data).I want to strip the filename and insert the first 3 letters of the file name in to the column id and also to store the text file in to data coulmn.My t...

JavaDB - Checking if a database exists

hello, We created a java application which uses the JavaDB database in Netbeans IDE. We want the program to check every time it starts if the database's tables have already been created, and otherwise create them. How do we do that? thanx ...

how can i delete javaDB database folder

I am using JavaDB in my application,different database files are created on each operations and i want to delete all database files at the close of application but on close database folder not deleted from file system path using file method like(FileUtils.forceDelete(File)). In data base folder i have one .lck file may be due to this fil...

Automatically start JavaDB (Derby) on GlassFish

I am planning to deploy GlassFish v3 open source edition to a production environment. It comes with JavaDB (Apache Derby) which is just want I need. The only problem is that JavaDB is not started by default when GlassFish starts. I would have to go to the command line and enter: asadmin start-database Is there away to make the datab...

What is the difference between HSQLDB and JavaDB? Which one is suitable for unit testing?

Could you tell me the differences between HSQLDB and JavaDB? And which one should I use in unit testing, assuming that I only use standard features? Thanks. ...

Using Embedded JavaDB

Need to move the database and log files of JavaDB (derby) db files into deployment directories. The database is working in the application startup directory as JavaDB creates a folder with the name of the database (in my case mydb), but I want to move that dir into a subdir called data/ creating data/mydb. I can do this with the connec...

What is Derby's equivalent of DB2's "NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT"

I'm investigating how feasible it is to change some unit tests (for an application running on DB2) to use Derby. Having found this question where the answer claims that DB2 and Derby are very compatible, it seemed like a possibility to take DDL out of the DB2 database and run it on a Derby database. But I seem to have found a case where ...

How should I use UUID with JavaDB/Derby and JDBC?

I currently use INT as type for primary key in JavaDB (Apache Derby), but since I'm implementing an distributed system I would like to change the type to java.util.UUID. A few questions about this: What datatype in JavaDB/Derby should I use for UUID? I have seen CHAR(16) FOR BIT DATA been mentioned but I don't know much about it. Is VA...

How can I detect what version of JavaDB/Derby I'm using?

I use JavaDB (Derby) as an embedded database in my Java Swing application. I would like to detect and print the version of JavaDB I'm using. I have included derby.jar in my .jar-file for the application. How can I detect and print the version of my embedded JavaDB? ...