
Glassfish v3 / JNDI entry cannot be found problems!

I've been having problems trying to call an EJB's method from a Java Application Client. Here is the code. EJB Remote Interface package com.test; import javax.ejb.Remote; @Remote public interface HelloBeanRemote { public String sayHello(); } EJB package com.test; import javax.ejb.Stateless; @Stateless (name="HelloBeanExamp...

Problem running standalone Glassfish v3 client as Eclipse plugin

Hello, I'm developing a standalone client that invokes some EJB methods on Glassfish v3. This works well until I'm integrating the client into an Eclipse plugin for running in our RCP application. In this setting there seems to be a classloader problem on initializing the naming context and I get the exception listed below. (The client ...

JEE DependsOn Local EJB

I have an EJB Project with a @Singleton EJB defined as: @LocalBean @Singleton @Startup public class DataModelBean implements DataModelBeanLocal { I then have another EJB Project with another EJB: @LocalBean @Singleton @Startup @EJB(beanInterface=DataModelBeanLocal.class,name="DataModelBeanLocal") @DependsOn("DataModelBeanLocal") pu...

How do I access Glassfish V3 Administration Console Website from a remote host

I have installed Glassfish v3 on a standalone server running ubuntu-server 9.10. I can open the Admin website if I use a browser running on the server by browsing to: http:// localhost:4848/ I would like to access it from a remote machine by browsing to something like http:// The firewall is definitely allowing tra...

How can I use Glassfish's JMS Broker to "proxy" a message on to a JMS Broker on the internet?

I am working on a Java EE 6 Enterprise Application that runs on my local Glassfish3 installation. One of my EJBs needs to send messages to a remote JMS Broker which is located somewhere on the Internet. Unfortunately, the Internet connection is rather unreliable, so my idea is to first send the messages to the local Glassfish's own JMS...

Glassfish - describing the environment which a web application is running

Hi all, I would like a web application to learn things about its environment so that it can describe various details when an exception occurs. How would I get the ip address(es) that glassfish is running on within the web application? I would like to also take a snapshot of the configuration, JDBC connections, JMS, JNDI, etc. Is this...

How can I host many identical java web applications?

Hello, I have a problem. I need to host many (tens, hundreds) of small identical JAVA web applications that have different loads during one time. I want to use Glassfish V3. Do I need to use a load balancer and clusters or something else? Advise where can I find information about similar problems and their solutions... Best regards, Al...

Maven Embedded Glassfish plugin

I cannot seem to get the Maven Glassfish plugin working for the life of me: <project> ... <pluginRepositories> <pluginRepository> <id>glassfish-repository</id> <name> Repository for Glassfish</name> <url>;/url&gt; <layout>default</layout> <snapshots...

Occasional weird Glassfish errors, resolved by a restart?

I'm developing a web app using netbeans with GlassFishv3. Every once in a while when I add a new feature in my app, glassfish starts nagging with stupid errors, after a lot of time wasting and panicking, i restart glassfish and run my application again, then suddenly the errors all go away and my site starts acting correctly. (or in cas...

jms unresolved message-destination-ref

hi, I am using netbeans 6.8, and glassfish v3, and making a simple jms application to work. I got this: com.sun.enterprise.container.common.spi.util.InjectionException: Exception attempting to inject Unresolved Message-Destination-Ref jms/[email protected]@null into class enterpriseapplication4.Main Code: public class Main ...

Glassfishv3 and log4j

Hi... I´m using glassfishv3 for few days. But i don´t know how to get log4j working with the v3. In glassfishv2 there was a "System Classpath" field which you could used in order to point to your file. But in glassfishv3 "System Classpath" is not supported any more. So where i have to put the file on...

GlassFish v3 Domain Server cannot start. Port is occupied.

I imagine this is a pretty generic error. I cant seem to find any documentation on it. I am simply attempting to run a java web project with jsp's and beans... using netbeans 6.8 on windows xp. Thoughts? apologies for such a newb question. -Kirb ...

NoClassDefFoundError for com/sun/istack/logging/Logger in Glassfish v3

I have an application client which calls a SOAP service. I've used wsimport from the glassfish distribution to generate the ws classes, and everything works fine in Glassfish v2. When I run it (webstart) from v3, the app runs fine, but when I initiate a SOAP call, I get Exception in thread "Thread-146" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: c...

Is it possible to override the default logging for Glassfish v3?

Related to this question. It appears that Glassfish is exporting slf4j into my application and overriding my logging solution. Is it possible for me to override Glassfish's logging and have my own logging solution take precedence? After searching, I have only found ways to modify the log using I am not married to my...

Problem configuring application specific loggin glassfish v3

I am using java.util.logging in an EJB application running on glassfish v3. I can see the log messages in server.log but i don't seem to be able to configure the logging level in glassfish\domains\domain1\config\ If I use: Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(""); To obtain the logger and log with:"...

How to inject a Session Bean into a Message Driven Bean?

I'm reasonably new to JEE, so this might be stupid.. bear with me pls :D I would like to inject a stateless session bean into a message-driven bean. Basically, the MDB gets a JMS message, then uses a session bean to perform the work. The session bean holds the business logic. Here's my Session Bean: @Stateless public class TestBean im...

subdomain in glassfish

Hi I want to set up a virtual server for subdomain my domain is redirected from to using a virtual server whose default web module is WebApplicationSecurity I have used the string "${com.sun.aas.hostName}," in the hosts of the virtual server now to the qu...

Use Glassfish JMS from remote client

Hi, I have glassfish installed on a server with a JMS ConnectionFactory set up jms/MyConnectionFactory with a resource type or javax.jms.ConnectionFactory. I now want to access this from a client application on my local machine for this I have the following: public static void main(String[] args) { try{ Properties ...

Junit with Embedded Glassfish fails - JMS Resource Adapter should be EMBEDDED

I'm trying to test a session bean (NetBeans 6.8, Glassfish V3). Unfortunately, the embedded glassfish is unable to start properly, as it tries to connect to a remote JMS Provider (at localhost:7676): $ ant test ... [junit] Mar 23, 2010 12:13:51 PM com.sun.messaging.jms.ra.ResourceAdapter start [junit] INFO: MQJMSRA_RA1101: SJSMQ JMS Res...

How to use 3rd party libraries in glassfish?

I need to connect to a MongoDB instance from my EJB3 application, running on glassfish 3.0.1. The Mongo project provides a set of drivers, and I'm able to use them in a standalone Java application. How would I use them in a JEE application? Or maybe better phrasing: how would I make a 3rd party library available to my application when i...