
Maven2 multi-module ejb 3.1 project - deployment error

The problem is taht I get the following error qhile deploying my project to Glassfish: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to load EJB module. DeploymentContext does not contain any EJB Check archive to ensure correct packaging But, let us start on how the project structure looks like in Maven2... I've build the following scenario: ...

Installing ssl certificates in GlassFish v3

I have just installed a new ssl certificate on GlassFish 3. I also changed all references to s1as to a new certificate alias in config/domain.xml. Everything seems to work fine, but I wonder if I have to change all "s1as" entries in config/sun-acc.xml, wss-server-config-1.0.xml,wss-server-config-2.0.xml as well ? Do settings in these f...

Splitting EJBs and interfaces into separate module -- deployment fails

I'm having trouble following this guide to "extract" my interfaces and entities from my EAR to use them from another Web Application: I use NetBeans 6.8 and Glassfish 3.0.1 "Java Class Library" project contains all the entities and interfaces "Java EE Application" project class library added to the project, is packaged into the EAR ...

How to install the GlassFish 3 server adapter with Eclipse Helios 3.6

Question as stated in the title: how to install the GlassFish Server Adapter on Eclipse Helios 3.6? ...

Too many open files error in Glassfish3 while using https listener

I have a problem running webservice that requires https connection(Glassfish3). After running for a while, it eventually crashes. Log file show "Failed to load keystore type JKS with path ....config/keystore.jks due to ...config/keystore.jks (Too many open files)". lsof shows that a number of open files are constantly increasing (...

GlassFish JDO and global object

Hi, I'm thinking about the GlassFish platform for my new app. My app env. doesn't have a big volume of data to handle, but a lot of users writing/reading the same data A very volotile portion of the data updates every 200milsec by diff users. Therefore I'd like that type of data to be in memory only and accessible to the whole app ...

glassfish starts only from the netbeans IDE and not from the command prompt

i have installed the netbeans version 6.8 with glassfish version 3 on a redhat machine. the thing is that when i try starting/stopping the glassfish via the netbeans, it works fine, BUT when i try starting the glassfish via: ./asadmin stop-domain domain1 i get the error "GlassFish requires Java SE version 6. Your JDK is version 4...

netbeans starts running web applications on port 8080, where can i change it ?

hello. i have netbeans IDE version 6.8, and glassfish version 3. my glassfish listener is set to port 81. but when i try running the simplest web application via the netbeans IDE it tries running it on port 8080. where can i change it ? using port 8080 for my web application is out of the question for me. ...

Maven Embedded Glassfish Plugin - how to set the temporary directory?

Hi all, I am using the Maven Embedded Glassfish Plugin and it works great, but unfortunately it creates a temporary directory in my main project directory. I would like it to use target so that every time I clean the project, the embedded directory also gets wiped. Is there a setting for that? Walter ...

Configuring Seam for Glassfish

Hi all, I am still migrating to Glassfish instead of Jetty for our application servers and am running into some problems. The application starts up fine, the database tables are created by hibernate and data is imported by my database importer, so Seam is alive, running and well. It appears that Seam is not properly bound to any JSF l...

Problem between Glassfish and Spring Security Basic Authentication

Hi! I am enabling a simple HTTP Basic Authentication with Spring security in my project. My environment is an Glassfish Server (bundled with Netbeans), and almost everything works perfect: I have set up it to just ask for authentication with the POST method, with hardcoded users with "user-service", and it works with user names with no s...

EJB3 JNDI Lookup Failure in JEE application client

I'm trying to access an EJB3 from a JEE client-application, but keep getting nothing but lookup failures. The client application is running within the JEE Application Client Container. My JEE Application 'CoreServer' is exposing a number of beans with remote interfaces. I have no problem accessing them from a Web Application deployed on...

Servlet requests are executed sequentially for no apparent reason in Glassfish v3

Hi, I'm using Glassfish 3 Web profile and can't get http workers to execute concurrently requests on a servlet. This is how i observed the problem. I've made a very simple servlet, that writes the current thread name to the standard output and sleep for 10 seconds : protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse...

Possible to access remote EJBs from a custom LoginModule?

I found some nice hints on how to write a custom realm and loginModule. I'm wondering though if it is possible to access a remote EJB within the custom loginModule. In my case, I have remote EJBs that provide access to user-entities (via JPA) -- can I use them (e.g. via @EJB annotation)? ...

Deployment secription of Basic Authentication with JAX-WS for EJB 3.1

Hi! There is good tutorial Basic Authentication with JAX-WS But it describe deployment description for web based application (war). Is it passable describe in ejb jar deployment description ? For web.xml <security-constraint> <display-name>SecurityConstraint</display-name> <web-resource-collection> <web...

Glassfish 3: How do I get and use a developers build so I can navigate a stack trace including Glassfish code?

I am migrating a JSF 1.1 application to JEE 6 Web profile, and doing it in steps. I am in the process of moving from JSP with JSF 1.1 to Facelets under JSF 1.2 using the jsf-facelets.jar for JSF 1.2, and received an "interesting" stack trace when trying to lookup a key in a Map using a "{}" where the stacktrace complaine...

new Stateful session bean instance without calling lookup

Scenario: I have @Singleton UserFactory (@Stateless could be) , its method createSession() generating @Stateful UserSession bean by manual lookup. If I am injecting by DI @EJB - i will get same instance during calling fromFactory() method(as it should be) What I want - is to get new instance of UserSession without preforming lookup. ...

Is it possible to get collection of some ejb`s instances from container?

Scenario: I have some @Statefull bean for user session (not an HTTP session, it is web services session). And I need to manage user's session per user. Goal: I need to have possibility to get collection of @Statefull UserSession instances and control maximum number of session`s per user, and session`s life time. Question: Is it possibl...

GlassFish build failed

Hello, Each time I try to deploy my server side code, the build fails. If I try to restart my machine, the build is successful but fails later when I try to build the subsequent times. I get the following Severe messages when I attempt to build: SEVERE: "IOP00410216: (COMM_FAILURE) Unable to create IIOP listener on the specified host/p... in Glassfish (v3) application deployment

Hello, I've got a strange exception with my EJB3.1 application, a ZipException is thrown during the application deployment: [#|2010-05-15T16:01:44.688+0100|SEVERE|glassfish3.0.1||_ThreadID=22;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|WEB9051: Error trying to scan the classes at /Users/kevin/Docu...